Sky Charts 


 Catalog descriptions :

This program can use several catalogs to display the same object. Effectively each catalogs characteristics are interesting for a usage domain. You will not use the same data source to draw a constellation chart or a detailed plot of the stars of an open cluster.

As an example, using  the "Guide Star Catalog" ( stars to magnitude 15 ) to draw a chart of constellation Cygnus is nonsense. The performance will be very poor as the program has to read more than 300,000 stars in the files to finally draw only a few hundred of the brighter. In addition the information quality  (magnitude and position precision, lack of colour index or spectral class, and no references to other catalogues) are better in some other catalogs containing less stars but more information on each star. The "Bright Star Catalog" or "Sky2000 Master Catalog" are better suited for this task.

It is also necessary to limit the size of the files to a reasonable level. Some catalogs contain data not used in drawing charts  and are removed from the files. The format of the data is then converted to binary to obtain the smallest file possible ,for example,the size of the "Sky2000 Master Catalog" drops from 132 Mb to 10 Mb, and the  original 350 Mb "Tycho Catalog" to 24 Mb. You can find a description of the format for each file in the \cat directory, this will help if you want to use these files in your own programs.

It is easy to select the catalog to use for a selected viewing field and to limit the objects magnitude. You can use the "Catalog Selection" option for the stars and the nebulae.

Which catalog to choose ?

The following tables give you the catalogs characteristics and availability.

Star Catalogs 
Bright Star Catalog

Valid field : 
0° - 360°

This catalog contains 9096 stars to magnitude 6.5
The following information is provided:
Bright Star Catalog number
Henry Draper Catalog number
Flamsteed Catalog number
Bayer Greek letter
V magnitude
b-v color index
Spectral class from Morgan-Keenan 
Proper motion

AstroCD n°3

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Basic package

SKY2000  Master Star Catalog

Valid field : 
0° - 60°

This catalog contains 299,485 stars to magnitude 9.
The following information is provided:
Henry Draper Catalog number
SAO Catalog number
Durchmusterung Cat., zone and number 
V magnitude 
b-v color index
Spectral class
Proper motion

AstroCD n°3

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Tycho Catalog

Valid field : 
0° - 30°

This catalog contains 1,058,332 stars to magnitude 11.5 . 
The following information is provided:
Tycho Catalog number ( = GSC )
Bt Tycho magnitude
Vt Tycho magnitude
b-v color index
Proper motion

AstroCD n°3

Download :
Tycho (18Mb)

CDS  (103 Mb)
conversion utility:  ConvTycho

Tycho Input Catalog

Valid field : 
0° - 30°

This catalog contains 3,154,204 stars to magnitude 12.1 . 
The following information is provided:
Tycho Catalog number ( = GSC )
B magnitude
V magnitude
class : 0=star 1=non-stellar gsc class 3

AstroCD n°3

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CDS  (51 Mb)
conversion utility: 

The HST Guide Star Catalog

Valid field : 
0° - 7°

This catalog contains 19,000,000 stars to magnitude 15. 
The following information is provided:
GSC Catalog number
Magnitude band
Object class
Multiple star flag
- The original FITS version on two CD may be used directely.
- The "Compact" version from the CDS may be used directely
- You can use the program "gscconv.exe" to copy to hard disk a compacted binary version from the original FITS CD for each declination band you want.

Download :

FITS Version
ADC  (350Mb)
conversion utility: 

Compact Version
CDS  (300Mb)

Internet Ressource
CDS VizieR
ESO SkyCat 


U.S. Naval Obs.

Valid field : 
0° - 2°

This catalog contains 526,280,881 stars to magnitude 20 .
The following information is provided:
Catalog number
"Red" plate magnitude 
"Blue" plate magnitude 
Plate number
Photometric quality flag 
s  : -1 = appear in calibration catalog.
Not generally available.

Download :
USNO  (6Gb)

Internet Ressource
CDS VizieR
ESO SkyCat


U.S. Naval Obs.

Valid field : 
0° - 4°

This catalog is an extraction of 54,787,624 stars from USNO-A principally from magnitude 16 to 19.

The CDrom is available free of charge from the US Naval Observatory.


Download :
USNO (600Mb)

General Catalog of Variable Stars
New Catalog of Suspected Variable Stars
Extragalactic Variable Stars
Valid field : 
0° - 360°
This catalog's contains 68'179 variable stars .
The two circles indicate minimum and maximum magnitudes.
The following information is provided:
Constellation and star number
Star name
Variability type + Year for nova
Magnitude band  (beware some mag. are IR )
Magnitude at maxima
Magnitude at minima
Period in days

AstroCD n°3

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Washington Visual Double Star Catalog

Valid field : 
0° - 360°

This catalog contains 78,100 double stars.
A line indicates the direction and distance to second component.
The following information is provided:
Star name
Component identification
Magnitude of component 1
Magnitude of component 2
Date of first observation
Angular Separation for Date1
Position Angle for Date1
Date of last observation
Angular Separation for Date2
Position Angle for Date2
Spectral Types
Durchmusterung cat., zone and number

AstroCD n°3

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Nebulae Catalogs
NGC 2000.0

Valid field : 
0° - 360°

This catalog contains 13,226 nebulae from the NGC and IC catalogs. 
The following information is provided:
Object classification
NGC/IC Catalogue number
Largest dimension

AstroCD n°3

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Basic package

Lynds' Catalog of Bright Nebulae

Valid field : 
0° - 360°
Declination :
 -30° to +90° 

This catalog contain 1,125 bright nebulae.
The drawings show colour and luminosity of the nebulae.
The following information is provided:
Lynds catalog number
Region identification number
Other name
Largest dimension of nebula
Smallest dimension of nebula
Area of nebulosity in square degrees
Color index
Brightness scale

AstroCD n°3

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Basic package

Third Reference Cat. of Bright Galaxies

Valid field : 
0° - 360°

This catalog contains 23,011 galaxies. 
The drawing shows the effective aperture, minor and major axis and orientation. Total and effective aperture color index are also used. 
The following information is provided:
PGC catalog number
Other name
Morphological type
Major axis at 25/'2 isophote
Minor axis at 25/'2 isophote
Total B magnitude
Total b-v color index
Mean B surface brightness
Mean radial velocity (km/s)

AstroCD n°3

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Basic package

Catalog of Principal Galaxies

Valid field : 
0° - 360°

This catalog contains 73,197 galaxies.
The drawing shows minor and major axis and orientation.
The following information is provided:
PGC catalog number
Other name
Morphological type
Major axis at 25/'2 isophote
Minor axis at 25/'2 isophote
Total B magnitude
Heliocentric radial velocity (km/s)

AstroCD n°3

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Open Cluster Data 5th Edition

Valid field : 
0° - 360°

This catalog contains 1,151 open clusters.
The following information is provided:
Cluster number
Other catalog codes
Other catalog number
Total magnitude
Total color index b-v
Number of stars
Brightest star magnitude
Trumpler class
Distance in parsecs
Age in years

AstroCD n°3

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Basic package

Globular Clusters in the Milky Way

Valid field : 
0° - 360°

This catalog contains 147 globular clusters.
The drawing shows the core, half-mass and total diameter.
The following information is provided:
Cluster number
Other name
Total V magnitude
Total b-v color index
Central surface brightness in V band 
Integrated spectral type
Total diameter ( arcminutes )
Half-mass diameter ( arcminutes )
Core diameter ( arcminutes )

AstroCD n°3

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Basic package

ESO Catalog of Galactic Planetary Nebulae

Valid field : 
0° - 360°

This catalog contains 1,143 planetary nebulae.
The following information is provided:
Nebulae designation
Other name
Morphology indicator
Diameter (arcseconds)
V magnitude
Hbeta magnitude 
Central star B magnitude
Central star V magnitude

AstroCD n°3

Download :

Basic package

(*  AstroCD n°3  will be available in 1999 )